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Established by Canonical Charter Feb. 2, 1927

Also known as
The American Orthodox Catholic Church

Does hereby issue this

Canonical Decree

by the North American Holy Synod

American Orthodox Patriarchate

Be it known to all men

That on this Sixth day of May, 2007 by the Authority of The North American Holy Synod has declared the following to end all rumors and false information regarding clergy of this Church and this Church;

1. That this Church never ceased or was closed down in any legal, canonical or moral manner.

2. That Archbishop Atimios Ofiesh was never suspended, deposed, defrocked, excommunicated or in any way removed from Office as head of this Church.

3. That Bishop Sophronius never attempted or claimed to head this Church nor did he ever attempt to remove the Archbishop or any other synod member from office. Bp. Sophronius never ordained or consecrated anyone for this Church without a mandate issued by the Synod.

4. That Bishop Ignatius left this Church, married and became a protestant minister. He never ordained anyone for this Church without a Mandate.

5. Bishop Joseph left our synod to work with and head a Ukrainian jurisdiction in the U.S. and he died shortly after leaving the synod.

THEREFORE it shall be noted that the above mentioned Canonical Church and Bishops are recognized to have been canonical clergy to the day they died. Anyone uttering or publishng false claims shall be guilty of defamation of this Church and/or the individual clergy named and shall be subject to the punishment of the Canons of the Orthodox Church.

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Signed and dated at the Patriarchate
this the Fifth Sunday of Pascha, the Sixth Day of May, 2007.

His Beatitude Nikon
Patriarch, American Orthodox Patriarchate

His Eminence Victor

His Eminence Leland
Vicar of the Eastern United States

His Eminence John
Vicar of the British Isles

His Grace Joseph
Bishop of the Western United States
